Clamwin is a free and open source Anti-virus for Windows -- thus the suffix "win". This means that the community provides the developers tons and tons of possible virus infected files thus making Clamwin more efficient in tracking new virus than any...
Been having trouble with GCC's G++ 4.5.2 with MinGW on Windows. I kept having unwanted characters from a file, which should not be present in the first place. Given that I have a hello.txt text file that contains, Hello World and Hello Universe wh...

Facebook redirects to Myspace. What in the world happened to Facebook? Good thing somehow. So I am forced not waste more time on any of those addictive yet lame Casual Games. Freedom! (/me goes back programming. :D) Oh. I guess you came here to...
on Feb 12, 2011 in:
open source, foss, msys, problem, gnu, mingw, build, Free Software, windows, compile, pr
Ever got the pr not found error on MSYS? Not sure why the packages made pr command to be obsolete. But compiling FFMPEG on Windows using MinGW and MSYS requires pr in the toolchain. Do not worry, it is still on MinGW's download page though not easi...
on Jan 11, 2011 in:
open source, foss, problem, linux, tip, Free Software, solution, windows, mac, ubuntu

It's been a long time since I blogged about anything. Is your hard drive (the one where you save you files and all that -- not the other one, if you know what I mean ^^) getting all spaced up because of your video file collections? Despite the numbe...
on Jul 8, 2010 in:
open source, foss, as3, problem, tip, flashdevelop, red5, Free Software, actionscript, php, Flash, tomcat
I'm currently working on a team of more at least 16 developers -- the largest team I worked with on a very complicated project. The setup is a central J2EE application that runs on JBoss, web application that written in PHP (powered by Apache web se...
The default installation of Red5 doesn't include support for PHP. And since Red5 is ran by Tomcat, this means we need Tomcat to handle PHP. I found a tutorial that requires you to recompile Tomcat with PHP-handling. Tedious task for a simple need of...