By Filipina Wanderer on Sep 28, 2012 in:
Filipina Wanderer, Random, Social Media, Tech, facebook, filipina wanderer, google, Myspace, social media, Social Media Experiment, Social network, StumbleUpon, twitter, youtube
For many years, people have made some tips and ideas on how to create the stats higher. If there are laws or prohibitions regarding this experiment please let me know. [...]...
By Pinoy Technologies on Jul 8, 2012 in:
Reviews, Social Media, adobe air, AIR, android, Chrome, chrome web store, Client,, deckly, Facebook, google chrome, ipad, iphone, linkedin, linux, mac, mobile, mobile apps, myspace, Social Networking, tweetdeck, twitter, Web, Windows

What is TweetDeck? TweetDeck is one of the leading social media dashboard application management of Facebook and Twitter accounts. The recent update of TweetDeck is the dropped support for LinkedIn, Google Buzz, Foursquare and MySpace accounts. Users...

Facebook redirects to Myspace. What in the world happened to Facebook? Good thing somehow. So I am forced not waste more time on any of those addictive yet lame Casual Games. Freedom! (/me goes back programming. :D) Oh. I guess you came here to...
By Comm de Garçon on Aug 8, 2010 in:
Reaction, Blogging, Facebook, Flowtown, Friendster, Habbo, Internet, MySpace, Networking, New Social Media, Organizational Communication, SNS, Social Networking, Twitter, UP Manila

We all know how much new social media has pretty much changed the way how we view the world. Before its advent, everyone seemed so far away, so disconnected. We were all limited to our relatively small networks. “Networking” seemed to be...
By Comm de Garçon on Jul 4, 2010 in:
Reaction, Blogger, Blogging, Cognitive Dissonance, Facebook, Jejemon, MySpace, New Social Media, Opinion, Organizational Communication, Philippines, Reblog, Social Networking, Tumblr, Twitter, UP Manila, WordPress, Writing, YouTube

Each website has a unique way of obtaining its fair share of regular users and subscribers: be it through an innovative platform, a clever marketing strategy, or simply a fresh take on an old idea. We all know how Facebook suddenly took the Philippi...
Massively multiplayer online games on Facebook or MySpace? It's not as farfetched as it sounds. I've been giving the topic much thought over the better part of the week, and I just had to perform a search. This is why I've stumbled upon an article by...