By May Rodrigo on Sep 30, 2012 in:
lomo, lomography, analog, analogue, film, lca, vivitar, mariner, vivitar mariner, lowres, lowfi, low fi, negative, films, color, 35mm, xpro, xpro chrome, chrome, Cross Process, Maldives, male, asia, paradise, travel, tour, tourism, vacation, honeymoon, island

06.13.12 - More of Madivaru Lomo LC-A+ Lomo Color Negative Film 100 Vivitar Mariner Lomography X-Pro Chrome 100 On the Way to Kuramathi Photo Set Madivaru Island Photo Set Streets of Rasdhoo Atoll Photo Set Kura...
By May Rodrigo on Sep 28, 2012 in:
lomo, lomography, analog, analogue, film, 35mm, lowres, lowfi, low fi, lofi, lca, xpro, chrome, xpro chrome, Cross Process, bohol, bohol beach club, philippines, pilipinas, pilipino, pilipinastarana, itsmorefuninthephilippines, helpDOT, sea, summer, sun, sunny, ocean, waves, water

04.08.12 - AM/PM Bohol Beach Club, Philippines Lomo LC-A+ Lomography X-Pro Chrome 100 Loboc River Cruise Photo Set Balicasag Fish Sanctuary Photo Set Bohol Beach Club Photo Set Bohol Bee Farm Photo Set AM/PM Alona Beach Photo Set...

The day you have been waiting for is here. Since June, we have been eagerly waiting to see what this sensory Chrome Experiment is. Movi.Kanti.Revo. is uniquely crafted by Cirque de Soleil. Movi.Kanti.Revo comes from Espearanto words for Moving, Singi...
By May Rodrigo on Sep 14, 2012 in:
lomo, lomography, analog, analogue, film, 35mm, praktical2, praktica, vivitaruws, vivitarultrawideandslim, vivitar, uws, vivitar uws, kodak, e200, ektachrome, chrome, fuji, superia, summer, beach, sea, sun, sunny, ocean, water, island, islands, nature, trip

April 2011 - Travel North Governor’s Island, Children’s Island, Marcos Island, San Juan La Union Praktica L2 Fuji Superia 400 Vivitar UWS Kodak E200...
By May Rodrigo on Sep 14, 2012 in:
lomo, lomography, analog, analogue, film, 35mm, praktical2, praktica, vivitaruws, vivitarultrawideandslim, vivitar, uws, vivitar uws, kodak, e200, ektachrome, chrome, fuji, superia, summer, beach, sea, sun, sunny, ocean, water, island, islands, nature, trip

April 2011 - Travel North Governor’s, Children’s, Marcos’ Islands, San Juan La Union Praktica L2 Fuji Superia 400 Vivitar UWS Kodak E200...
By May Rodrigo on Sep 6, 2012 in:
lomo, lomography, lca, mariner, analog, analogue, film, 35mm, xpro, chrome, Lucky film, lucky super 200, xpro chrome, color negative, maldives, kuramathi, paradise, travel, tour, tourism, honeymoon, vacation, sea, sun, summer, heat, hot, beach, sand, shore

06.14.12 - Kuramathi Island Lomo LC-A+ Lomography Color Negative Film 100 Vivitar Mariner Lomography X-Pro Chrome 100 Lucky Super 200 Streets of Rasdhoo Atoll Photo Set On the Way to Kuramathi Photo Set Veligandu Island Photo Set Madivaru Island P...
By Pinoy Technologies on Aug 23, 2012 in:
Google Chrome, Updates, Chrome, Facebook, google, google app, google chrome, google chrome for ios, google chrome for ios update, google download, ios, ios update, media, new google chrome update, share pages, share pages on the social media, social, Social Media, twitter, update for google chrome, update google chrome

Good news for mobile Googlers! The web browsing and tech behemoth announced its first update to Google Chrome for iOS ever since the browser first appeared on iPads and iPhones way back June. After a recent update for Google+ app to add link shares t...