By Gadgetshelf on Mar 11, 2013 in:
Branding, Maintenance, Mobile, Productivity, Purchasing, 1, android, app, band, central, cloud, digital, dual, integrated, ios, n900, network, philippines, price, router, solution, storage, tb, terradrive, western

I’ve finally gotten around to replacing our router (around more than three weeks ago) with the N900 Central that WD and TBE has graciously lent me, and you can trust me when I say that it is surprisingly the easiest router transition that I hav...
By Because I Love Random Things on Mar 6, 2013 in:
Review, answer, anti perspirant, deodorant, driclor, feet, hands, hyperhidrosis, jtomas, manila, no sweat, philippines, review, solution, sweat, sweaty, underarm
I’m going to tell you all something that’s really embarrassing. Please say you’ll still love me after this… I suffer from hyperhidrosis. It basically means I sweat a lot. And I do mean a lot. My hands & feet sweat way t...
By Gadgetshelf on Feb 18, 2013 in:
Maintenance, Miscellaneous, Productivity, data, drive, formatted, how, method, r-studio, recover, recovery, solution, story, tips, to

So I tanked my 750gb drive due to carelessness, the quick format was so fast that it effectively scrambled the 730+gb data on the drive to near incomprehension. R-Studio to the rescue: That is what the recovery software was looking at after nearly 3...
So I have been casually using Linux Multimedia Studio, or LMMS, since 2010. It is a really good free and open source alternative to FruityLoops. I won't go detailing how great this tool is for digitally creating your music as I am assuming you...
By Gadgetshelf on Jan 13, 2013 in:
Branding, Entertainment, Maintenance, Mobile, Productivity, 7, after, color, detail, improvement, nexus, playback, post, screen, solution, video, washout, workaround

While the Nexus 7 is pretty neat, it isnt without bugs and one of them is a screen washout after playing a video. The problem lies with the new Nvidia Tegra 3 Technology called PRISM (Pixel Rendering Intensity and Saturation Management) which dynamic...
By joell lapitan on Dec 15, 2012 in:
apps, guests, advent, iphone, Open, Open Home Pro, real estate, real estate agent, real estate agents, realtor, share, solution, technology, tendency, upload, way
Those of us who work in real estate know that the name of the game is getting the information that your buyers want in front of them as quickly as possible. The ability to communicate immediately and share information quickly is one of the most impor...
By Gadgetshelf on Nov 15, 2012 in:
Legacy Devices, Maintenance, Miscellaneous, Operating Systems, android, button, functionality, gone, home, lock, lockscreen, missing, not, restore, screen, solution, swipe, working

One evening during this week, right after I bought a phone for my mom, my X10 suddenly lost the ability to display the lock screen and the home button lost most all functionality leave for the ability to wake the phone up from a blank screen. It is t...