In a world of blurred borders and where technology is king, there are a few barriers which many still cannot overcome easily. One of these is language, the tool of our human communication. In fact, I believe that the only reason social media isn̵...

There are conventional (and perhaps outdated) ways of determining “influence” on social media. It used to be page views, numbers of followers on Twitter, and number of fans on Facebook. Now, these numbers have become metrics for a pissing contest...

In the pursuit to beat out the hundreds and thousands of other blogs or influencers out there who you just know provide scraped or generic content, it’s sometimes a good strategy to call in the big guns, so to speak. We all have a friend or two who...

Perhaps the most beautiful thing about social media is how it enables just about anyone in the world to be heard. To be heard is a powerful thing, and in some instances, you and I have the immense power (and responsibility) to affect the way people t...

The one thing I have noticed that many blogs seem to ignore is having a great comment form. A really effective one makes a reader come back - it fosters conversations and engagement, always good things when it comes to being social. What make...

New to WordPress.com and don’t know where to start? Looking for just the right theme, or wondering how to use all the features in your dashboard? Interested in creating a website, not a blog? Or perhaps you’re ready to do more on your sit...

One of the most popular trends in the Philippines in the past few years has been running. It wasn’t surprising then to see many a sports blog dedicated to running pop up. Unfortunately, many of these blogs feature thin, poorly-written content.