By Skinny Happy & Beautiful on Jan 1, 2013 in:
Fit and Lean 2013, Personal, 1 year progress, 2012 achievements, 2013 Fitness blog, Anime, art, Arts, Before ad After, Beijing, cameron lee, Cosplay, Cosplay Blog, Cosplay La Familia, Cosplay Le familia, crossfit, Dance, Dane Ram, Fandom, Filipino vegetarian, fitness, fitness blog, Fitness Blogger, Fitness goals, FitSpo, Fitspo BLog, gaming, Great Wall, Health, healthy-living, Hiphop, Jazz, lara novales, Mental Health, New Year, pilates, Post a Day, Post a Day 2013, progress photo, Thinspirational Journey, Vegetarian, Weight loss, Weight Loss Blog
Hey everyone I just wanted to start the year right by looking back at what happened in 2012. My Highlights of 2012 My highest weight last year was 147lbs. My Lowest weight achieved is 125lbs. I started to learn Hiphop and Jazz dance Started making Be...
By Angela Andaluz on Nov 13, 2012 in:
driver, license, philippine, exam, written, actual, LTO, east, avenue, automatic, car, honda, jazz, personal, experience, government, office, angela andaluz, angelandaluz, photo, image
Guys, the title says it all. Haha. I got my first driver’s license earlier today. Yay!...
In this era of pop and experimental music, you seldom find a venue where soulful jazz music is played. If you are seeking for some feel-good music over excellent food and drinks in Cebu, head ...
By Extra Kanin from outer space on Jan 23, 2012 in:
Music, Musicians on focus, Outer Space Rice, electronic, Fire Dance, jazz, LEO37, Livestrong Foundation, music, soul
He’ll eat you with his beats, and drown you with his rapid lyrics. And that will feel good. Presenting the second single from LEO37, one of my top followed artists on the web (since I can’t watch his show live), from his upcoming EP. He’s back...