By Jcyberinux on Dec 25, 2012 in:
Disk Catalog Software, Disk Management, Software, Windows, Cathy, File Catalog Tool, File Management, Free Disk Cataloging Tool, Freeware, Gentibus CD, Removable Media Catalog Tool, Visual CD, WinCatalog

Cathy, Visual CD, Gentibus CD, WinCatalog the Disk Catalog Softwares Features and Reviews Cathy A standalone application, less than 60 KB, very easy to use, portable and does what you need for index files on removable media devices, hard disk drives,...
By Jcyberinux on Dec 23, 2012 in:
Disk Catalog Software, Disk Management, Software, Windows, File Catalog Tool, File Management, Free Disk Cataloging Tool, Freeware, Removable Media Catalog Tool, WinCatalog 2012, WinCatalog Light

WinCatalog Removable Discs Media and Drive Catalog Software to categorizes and organize your folders and files for fast index and search Why Removable Media and Disk Drive Catalog? Because it is important to categorizes and organize your folders and...
By Jcyberinux on Dec 20, 2012 in:
Disk Catalog Software, Disk Management, Software, Windows, File Catalog Tool, File Management, Free Disk Cataloging Tool, Freeware, Gentibus CD, Removable Media Catalog Tool

Freeware Gentibus CD enables you to scan and catalog folders and files for Removable Discs Media and Disk Drive Gentibus CD enables you to scan your removable drives or photo CDs and store thumbnail images of the pictures on your PC. The software off...

How to use Konradp - Windows Auto Shutdown Software by: Revengsky Joseph D. Reyes -a.k.a rjdreyes I search from the web related to Automatic Shutdown Software for Windows, the results brought me to this: Konradp - Auto Shutdown Software O...

Back in July, I mentioned a program that allows you to set and download Bing backgrounds as your wallpaper. That program is Bing Desktop, and three days ago, a new version is available. I first noticed it yesterday, when it … Continue reading &...
By HardWi®ed: [Refresh] on Dec 6, 2012 in:
Computing, Download, Freeware, Software, apps, howtos, install, tips, tricks, windows, Windows 8

For the record, there are a number of local apps available on the Windows 8 app store. listed down some of these apps, and boy, they sure are useful. These include SM Cinema, ABS-CBN, MMDA, Globe, and others. … Co...
By Jcyberinux on Dec 6, 2012 in:
Network Development, Utility Software, Windows, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Attribute, Clear Read-Only, Freeware, Guides, Microsoft, Network Map Drives, NTFS, Operating System, Read-Only, Read-Only Removal, Software, Tips, Troubleshoot

Unable to remove folders and files read-only attribute on Windows Server 2008 Network Map Drives by: Revengsky Joseph D. Reyes - a.k.a rjdreyes I’ve encountered problems while I’m renaming folder on the Windows Server Network Map Drives. He...