I'm not the most religious person, but having been born and raised as a Catholic, I've been accustomed to 'no-meat-Fridays' during the Lenten season. In observance of Good Friday, we won't be having meat on the menu. But we do have fish and pasta - b...

Tea is both extremely soothing as well as therapeutic. There are numerous types of tea out there, and each one of them can help you for different problems. The 'tradition' of drinking tea dates back hundreds (if not thousands) of years in the past. A...

Music is a huge part of Irish heritage, and there are very few occasions when someone will not play a traditional musical instrument. There are several traditional instruments to choose, including the Bodrum, tin whistle and Irish flute. However, it...
By laagan na cebuana on Jan 27, 2013 in:
advocacy, cebu, Cebu Bloggers Society, Cebu Events, choose philippines, culture, heritage, Philippines, RAFI, tradition, casa gorordo, casa gorordo sinug 2013, Cebu, cebu city, Dance, Nang Titang, Sinug, Sinulog, Sinulog festival
It has been a tradition by the Gorordo Family to do the “Sinug” the day after the Sinulog celebration. Sinug the dance prayer is leaded by Nang Titang. It’s sad to say though that she wasn’t able to dance this year’s due to the accide...
By Between Coordinates on Dec 26, 2012 in:
Cauayan, Coordinates, Negros Occidental, Philippines, belen, celebration, christmas, christmas day, christmas eve, christmas in the province, cultural heritage, family, filipino christmas, jesus, joseph, mary, old tradition, pinoy christmas celebration, province, tradition

Huge gift-wrapped presents with glimmering ribbons under the tall, green, Christmas tree; stockings of various sizes hung along the walls - filled with candies, chocolates, gold, edible coins scattered everywhere; the smell of honey-glazed ham,...

Since 1993, I have made it a point to watch The Halloween Tree with my siblings every Halloween. It is a Halloween tradition that I have never grown tired of. The Halloween Tree is a tale of four friends trying to rescue their friend, while at the...
By Philippine Catholic News on May 16, 2011 in:
Philippines, tradition, Filipinos, celebration, Catholics, Virgin Mary, Flores de Mayo, fiesta, May, festivals, Mama Mary, feasts

MANY towns and villages across the country are now in the thick of celebrating the Flores de Mayo (Flowers of May), a centuries-old Catholic festival in honor of the Virgin Mary.Read more...