it's summer in Manila! ♥ and as much as i want to share my excitement over this to the whole world, not everyone can relate at least yet. majority of the rest of the world is just getting to saying goodbye to the cold weather and welcoming spri...

So after a photo of GQ's February 2012 cover was leaked on the internet, the magazine has, well, made it official. Beyonce is indeed the cover girl, and boy is she showing a lot of skin! Shot by Terry Richardson, the singer headlines the mag's 10...

I was home in Mandaue—in Cebu—during the long weekend and went home to a mess that I left a few months ago—which looked I scene from straight from a hidden object game. With nothing to do in four days, I decided to clean up the disorder that I...

GQ Magazine's annual Men of the Year issue is here once again. As has been tradition, this issue has multiple covers and bestows upon individuals such titles as Movie Star of the Year and Filmmaker of the Year, to name a few. And my, oh my, does Riha...

I may already be a little late in posting this but what the heck -- it's Linsanity in GQ's November 2012 issue! I haven't heard from NBA phenom Jeremy Lin in a while, and I, for one, thought that the whole Linsanity thing was over. But GQ put the...
I'm the only one left awake. So what to do? I'm not sleepy. Write! Of course, what else will I want besides reading a book? Consciously, I write whatever pops in this complex head of mine. So what topic? AHA! Book Shopping. Recently I bought a boo...
By Comm de Garçon on Jul 17, 2010 in:
Fashion, Reaction, 160g, Books, Digital, E-books, E-journals, E-zines, Francisco Lachowski, Magazines, New Social Media, Newspapers, Organizational Communication, PDF, Reading, UP Manila, Vanity Teen

I think it’s safe to say that not a lot of people appreciate books anymore. With most of the world being more fixated on their computer screens, it’s amazing how publishing houses still rake in money. The solution? Make books and magazine...