this could not get any more real. i was perusing the alleys of Interview magazine online and i bumped into this editorial for the March ish aptly titled The Art of Shopping. models Janice Alida, Meghan Collison, and Irina Kravc...

March is my favorite month of cover wars in the local scene. absolute favorite! for the single reason that it's swimsuit issue. ;) A$AP ROCKY for Status magazine. always, always cutting edge. Preview's new layout. =) Jodi's...

spring to me is so synonymous to Manila's summer. it is kind of like that actually since we don't have spring. haha. dumb remark, i know. ;) so if a = b, and b = c, then a =c! huh? so since i love summer, i must love spring too! ♥ and...

it's summer in Manila! ♥ and as much as i want to share my excitement over this to the whole world, not everyone can relate at least yet. majority of the rest of the world is just getting to saying goodbye to the cold weather and welcoming spri...

i cannot wait to get my hands on a pair of reflective sunnies! i am telling you, this is a major drool alert. =) i have been crushing on them lovely reflective sunglasses since i saw i saw my own reflection in them. ;) they are the hotte...

remember my cake from last year? :) it's adorable on all levels, and friends are still asking about it. well, i've been meaning to write about the geniuses behind it, but i just can't seem to find the perfect time. until now! =) Let's Bake...

remember my cake from last year? :) it's adorable on all levels, and friends are still asking about it. well, i've been meaning to write about the geniuses behind it, but i just can't seem to find the perfect time. until now! =) Let's Bake...