I am on streak of creative workshops here. I signed up for Lifeafterbreakfast's Calligraphy and Creative Life Planning workshop by PJ and Alessa. We started with an icebreaker activity by PJ which requires us to write about things we like a...

I don't consciously count the number of times I travel in a year (and I know there are people with "itchier feet" than mine), but I make it a point to get out of the city at least once a month. It is when I am far away from home when I can allow myse...

Merry Christmas everyone! Still practicing my #calligraphy, and even drew using the same nib. Not sure if that’s a good idea haha. (at Stars for Dreams Headquarters)...

I tried out a bit of calligraphy yesterday for a commissioned gift. Check out the entire blog post about it here.
By Because I Love Random Things on Oct 21, 2012 in:
Creativity, Fun Finds, Guide To Quirkysuyen, How To, Nomnom, calligraphy, crafting, decoupage, deviled eggs, fish sticks, geisha, japan, maps, mod podge, potato gratin, the fozzy book, wallet
Thanks to Fozzy of The Fozzy Book for this eye candy. I have never seen my name written so prettily as this. I was gifted with a geisha wallet that actually came from Japan. Thanks S! Despite drowning in work the … Continue reading →...

I miss writing ink reviews, really. I was supposed to write one for Valentine's, but the occasion felt too frivolous so I skipped it and chose a different ink color. I saved the red ink for the dark rainy days. One Saturday morning, when the sun was...

In my part of the globe, summer is nearing its end as rains begin to pelt us from tropical storm Bebeng (Aere) and typhoon Chedeng (Songda). But before summer finally bids us farewell and this post becomes a weather alert, let me write my long-p...