I received this red medium Poppin Write-Now notebook when the brand has just been launched. That's a shameful two years ago. I read about a notebook giveaway and I signed up to receive a sample to review here. Meredith Zenkel, Poppin's Director...
on Feb 2, 2013 in:
Japanese ink, Jentle, 1670 ink, notebook, red ink, ink, Sailor, ink review, Rhodia, fountain pen ink

O drops of me! trickle, slow drops,candid, from me falling — drip, bleeding drops, ~ From "Trickle, Drops" by Walt Whitman One of the joys from using fountain pens is the wide choice of ink colors for everyone to choose from. When I sw...

A few months ago, I received a small box from Karen Doherty, Exaclair USA's Vice President for Marketing. Inside the box was a large Rhodia dotPad and a set of J. Herbin's Les Subtiles (The Subtle) inks. I wasn't aware then that those...
on Jun 13, 2012 in:
nib, Apple Green, J. Herbin, ink, Green, Safari, fountain pen review, Lamy Safari, 2012 Green, fountain pen, Limited Edition, Lamy, review

When I started using fountain pens in 2007, I was like any other newbie. I hoarded. I had no clear idea of what I really want and got pens I could just easily get. Lately, though, I decided to focus on pens that work well for me, rather than settle o...

I'm still here! And I'm back after three months with a notebook from Sweden - Whitelines! When I started using fountain pens and writing reviews here, I read a lot about Whiteline's products and I have always wanted to try them. A Twitter DM fin...

I miss writing ink reviews, really. I was supposed to write one for Valentine's, but the occasion felt too frivolous so I skipped it and chose a different ink color. I saved the red ink for the dark rainy days. One Saturday morning, when the sun was...

I have been reviewing pen and paper products for almost four years now. I've reviewed notebooks from Asia, Europe, and mostly from the United States, but I have not had a glimpse of a Field Notes pocket notebook yet. Back then, I didn't like sma...