Even before he started filming as Aaron Cross in the fourth installment of the Bourne series (Legacy), Jeremy Renner had wrapped it up in a fantasy/dark/action/thriller called Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters. Paramount recently unveiled the trailer...
By Manila Hot Stuff on Sep 2, 2012 in:
marvin agustin, Jeremy Renner, movies, Bourne Legacy Manila, Rachel Weisz, sumosam, hollywood, Bourne Legacy, celebrities, philippines, the podium mall, Edward Norton, bourne
This post is long delayed, I know. :) I got two invites to watch The Bourne Legacy starring Jeremy Renner, Ed Norton and Rachel Weisz in The Podium Mall, courtesy of Sumo Sam. Sumo Sam launched their cinema ad with this exclusive screening, and...
By Manila Hot Stuff on Sep 1, 2012 in:
marvin agustin, Jeremy Renner, movies, Bourne Legacy Manila, Rachel Weisz, sumosam, hollywood, Bourne Legacy, celebrities, philippines, the podium mall, Edward Norton, bourne
This post is long delayed, I know. :) I got two invites to watch The Bourne Legacy starring Jeremy Renner, Ed Norton and Rachel Weisz in The Podium Mall, courtesy of Sumo Sam. Sumo Sam launched their cinema ad with this exclusive screening, and...
By Change is Coming on Aug 18, 2012 in:
bourne, bourne legacy, reviews, movies, film, films, Manila, Philippines, action, the bourne legacy, movie, Jeremy Renner, Aaron Cross, Rachel Weisz, Edward Norton
I agree that Philippine mainstream media exaggerated when the news of The Bourne Legacy filiming in the country was announced. Maybe they thought, “Oh, yeah! Pinoy fried!” again, since it’s quite rare to have Hollywood movies shooting here, muc...
By Zepperoni // have a slice... on Aug 16, 2012 in:
Movies, ben stiller, evan goldberg, jeremy renner, jonah hill, kate beckinsale, richard ayoade, seth rogen, the bourne legacy, the watch, total recall, vince vaughn
The so-called “quick shot” impressions return! This week I’ll be sharing my overall thoughts on: Jeremy Renner's trip to Manila, Len Wiseman's Total Recall, and a comedy formerly known as Neighborhood Watch.
Who wasn’t got excited from the Philippines seeing this movie? I hope there’s none. It is a much awaited movie in the Philippines, since it has Filipino casts in it and not to mention that more than half of the … Continue readi...
By Recycle Bin of a Middle Child on Aug 15, 2012 in:
sm cinema, Jeremy Renner, Solar-UIP, Tony Gilroy, The Bourne Legacy, palawan, Hollywood, Rachel Weisz, manila, sm mall of asia, Matt Damon
With all the craze and attention that this movie is getting, I wonder how many of you still haven't seen the movie that cause huge traffic all over Manila last summer? Well, if you haven't seen The Bourne Legacy, I suggest that you hit the movie hous...