By Be Kind To Us Trolls on Sep 24, 2012 in:
Humor, Personals, Asian Institute of Management, be kind to us trolls, blog, blogger, Chinie Diaz, Chinie Hidalgo Diaz, fab After Forty, geeks, Maria Ressa, Mashable, Rappler, ross del rosario, ross flores del rosario, SEO, Social Good Summit, social media, social media geeks, Stephen Fuller Hall, TweetUpMNL, UN, Vince Golangco, When In Manila
The Social Good Summit organized by Rappler and TweetupMNL was a huge success. The event was undoubtedly jam-packed, ….heck - the pre-registration was filled-up to the rim to which the organizers had to respond by saying the interested pa...
If you’re reading this, I’m betting there’s a good chance you quite like computers, the Internet, or technology in general. A few weeks ago, Dave showed you 10 websites that all geeks should bookmark. This week, I’d like to introduce you to 5... is a new site for geeks who want to lose weight and get fit. It takes the latest science and research about nutrition and weight loss and translates it into practical, daily advice that geeks can incorporate into their existing lifes...
ipsters, or scenesters as they’re sometimes called, are a sub-culture who want to be different. At all costs. That longing to be different has now come full circle, where it’s actually the norm (or at least common) to be a hipster – wearing ret...