What is prayer? Prayer is simply communicating with Yahweh, our Creator. It is talking to Him—giving thanks and asking for our needs and others’ needs. Pretty easy to define, huh.... The post Praying... Christian Internet Radio Station that aims...

There’s a big difference to my Christmas next week compared to those recent years. It will be the first time we’ll be celebrating it as a family; me, my wife Cel and our son Mik. It also means the first time that we’ll be doing rounds to...
Good morning! Compared to past three days, I feel a lot better today. It helps that I just keep my silence and think. And to inspire you and of course me, here's our Daily Inspiration for... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for fu...
Hello everyone! I am still not feeling well. You can read here why. But despite this I want to inspire you with this Daily Inspiration. It is hard to say something positive when... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my we...
Good morning everyone! Sharing with you our Daily Inspiration for today. I am not emotionally okay. I am tired, stress and... Oh well, I am not used to telling too personal matters here.... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my websi...
Good morning! Still a busy week for me. But of course I will never forget sharing Daily Inspiration everyday. Why I keep on sharing inspirational quotes? I am also experiencing bad days... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my websi...
Good morning! How's your holiday yesterday? Sorry I forgot to post a Daily Inspiration yesterday. I was really busy the whole day. Actually, I supposed go to work but decided not... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for f...