It’s the first week of the June and E3 is literally just days away. All the big reveals are slowly coming out. But for now, what have you been playing this weekend? Quash: What a surprise, I’m still playing Diablo 3! I’m currently a...

It’s the last week of May. A couple of great titles were released this month, but I’m still invested in one particular game that had the most attention this month. Are you in the same boat as me or did you guys have a completely different...

Weeeekkkeeeennnd!! Sorry, a bit too much but hey, weekends are awesome. What are you playing? Quash: This weekend I played a couple of games, games that would soothe the wait for Diablo 3(Yes I really can’t wait). So I started playing Torchligh...

Last week for April. There will be some big titles to get excited about again next month. To name a few - We got Max Payne 3, Dragon’s Dogma, and of course the overly hyped Diablo 3.It’s the weekend once again and you know the quest...

I don’t know about you guys but I had an awesome week. April has been pretty quiet with the game releases, which is all right since the a few months back there were tons of good games hitting the shelves. I consider April a time to look back an...

We are now midway through April and the heat is unbearable here in the Philippines. It’s summer here in a tropical country so go figure, but enough of the weather, what have you been playing this weekend? Quash: Still at it with Star Wars: The...

It’s Holy Week and we got ourselves a long weekend to relax, or reduce our backlog of games to play. What are you playing? Quash: Love the long weekends. naturally I abused the free time I had and invested hours into games such as Star Wars: Th...