By Drowning Equilibriums on Mar 29, 2013 in:
teenvogue, pretty little blings, outfits, blog collaborations, trunkshow, teen vogue, Primadonna, summer, wrangler, outfit posts, blog sponsors

I feel like a kid now being tucked into bed by Peter Pan. Haha. I'm so sleepy from non-stop eating and watching TV. Drove around earlier with my sister, Mich, Mom and Dad to buy supplies and food. I'm living like a pig now, which rarely happens when...
By Drowning Equilibriums on Jan 24, 2013 in:
printed pants, qualitea, weekends, meister watch, travellers trunk, blog sponsors, s and h, teenvogue, outfits, blog collaborations, trunkshow, teen vogue, meister, style files, beauty products, outfit posts

Hello, I'm back! After taking a break for almost a week, I'm now back to regular programming. My Sinulog high has now fizzled (had to get my work mojo back, stat!) but it was epic and I can't wait to share my experiences with all of you!:) But before...
By Drowning Equilibriums on Jan 14, 2013 in:
weddings, personal, marc jacobs, vintage fashion, store features, teenvogue, online stores, outfits, ebay, ebay finds, teen vogue, trunkshow, pink parlour,, outfit posts

Something very special happened the other day, so of course I had to wear my special dress. It was a last minute thing but I feel so blessed and overjoyed to have been part of something life changing and beautiful. If you don't know what I'm talking...

Laser-cut blouse, Jeans and Bag from Forever21, Heels from TrunkshowHey there beauties here’s a simple outfit I pulled together one sunny Friday morning here in Manila. Check out detailed shots below:) I really love the fun, fresh and fe...

Can also be found in chictopia and lookbookUsually, when I see stripes I immediately think of navy blues and reds. Maybe even a cute chapeau and a pair of ballet flats. Stripes always stir in me the thought of anything nautical, or even French!