The fastest way to go to work when the car is on coding, and to get home, is through a tricycle. For those who have no idea what a tricycle is, Wikipedia defines it as: is a public (for-hire) vehicle consisting of a motorcycle and an attached passe...
By Age of the Diary on May 5, 2012 in:
The Philippines, Travels, adventure, adventures, grilled corn, kamote, Manila, pedicab, pedicabs, Philippines, photo, photography, photos, quiapo, Quiapo Church, Quiapo Manila, religion, religious, religious statues, shop, Shopping, statues, street food, street vendors, streets, transportation, travel, travels, tricycle, tricycles, underpass, vacation

Johanna and I decided to get lost in Quiapo. Without a map, we just started walking and walking. Here are some of the pictures of our adventures: 1. Religious Statues 2. Street Food: Grilled Corn 3. Side Streets-More Shopping 4. Entrance of the...
By Pinoy Funny Pictures on Sep 22, 2011 in:
prize, peso, cash, contest, SUV, van, pesos, tricycle, raffle, AUV

1st price 2nd price 3rd price Draw date: April 24, 2011...
By katikotikot on Feb 11, 2011 in:
overpass, plate dress, campaigns and grey, dish, advertising, fishball, fashion plates, creative ads, joy dishwashing, tricycle

TricycleOverpassFishballFashion Plates by Campaigns and Grey, Inc.CREDITSClient: Procter & Gamble, PhilippinesChief Creative Officer: Ompong RemigioCreative Director: Noel OrosaAssociate Creative Director: Mel AguinaldoCopywriter: Noel OrosaArt...
By Plite Palihug! on Aug 8, 2010 in:
mandaue, citom, tryk, tricycle, knock knock, knock-knock, opinion, cebu, upbatibot, talamban, cookout, up, cabancalan, jokes, upvcc

13c, 7:00AM, Before-Cookout MMX"Naa man daw mga gi-pangdakop diri nga tricycle atong isang adlaw boss?", I asked the jeepney driver as we were waiting for passengers at the corner of Banilad Road (Gov.Cuenco Avenue) and Cabancalan. (click here for th...