Today marks the third month of Joeyboy's World and the winners of my first and definitely not the last giveaway have been proclaimed!! Three months!!! (image from the past three months, I have learned new applications for my blog...
Post by Xavier Garcia In today's economic turmoil, folks are now a lot more receptive towards the believed of developing a enterprise a...
Mr. & Miss Biliran 2011/ Three finalist/Mr. Cabucgayan na wow mali Video Rating: 0 Stars search for mr. and miss Biliran 2011 wow mali Videos...
Most colleges here in the Philippines use the 1-5 grading system, 1.0 being the highest and 5.0 being the lowest. The passing mark is 3.0. Because it is relatively difficult to pass most courses (and exams) in our university compared … Contin...
Houston Jones & Joe Craven - Three Things Video Rating: 5 Stars Houston Jones and Joe Craven perform HoJo’s song Three Things at the Nevada Theatre, February 5, 2011. Part of the Acoustic Mayhem Extravaganza show. Video by Valerie Ma...