By Health Ave. on Mar 7, 2013 in:
health and beauty, health tips, healthy body, healthy lifestyle, hygiene, physical health, cavities, teeth, tooth decay, tooth problems, you and your teeth, you and your tooth
How well do you take care of your teeth. Do you have that perfect smile or is your teeth too crooked? Do you always experience bleeding or soreness on your gums? Maybe the biggest problem of all is that you … Continue reading →...

The Easiest Way to Save Money on Dental Care Your teeth can say a lot about you. When people see poorly maintained teeth, they often equate that with negative stereotypes about class and intelligence. The truth is, dental care can be ridiculously exp...

What to Expect From Your Dentist Although you may not be aware of this, the health of your mouth will really influence the health of the body. The details of why this is the case are not as important as simply understanding that your body needs you t...

Downend Dental Practice has been providing dental care to the local community for over five decades. Over this time the practice has increased in size and today has six fully equipped surgeries and three separate waiting rooms. The practice offers bo...