By joell lapitan on Nov 7, 2012 in:
apple, guests, appearance, computer, consumer, home, ipad, iPads, kick, paper, shop, Smartphone, tablet computers, technology, television
The future is just a wonderful thing, and these days it’s becoming more and more evident that we’re pretty much living in it. Whether you’re at home or in a coffee shop, if you’re reading this, you’re doing so on the Int...
By joell lapitan on Nov 6, 2012 in:
apps, guests, iPad, technews, Best iPad Apps, business, computer, idea, ipad, iteration, production, running, tablet computer, tablet computers, technology, versatile, way
Ah, the tablet computer. Essentially the Smartphone’s bigger the brother, the tablet computer has literally only been around for three years (seriously, it only took three years for tablets to come as far as they have, and become as numerous as the...
By joell lapitan on Oct 19, 2012 in:
guests, technews, amazon, Android tablets, business, computer, couple, gadgetry, google, ipad, Kindle, level, Network, Nexus 7 tablet, range, tablet computer, tablet computers, tablet technology, use, Whispercast
Technology and gadgetry has been improving by leaps and bounds in the last couple of decades, and now it can be staggering to look around and consider some of the incredible developments that are so easily and affordably available to the general publ...

An infographic illustrating consumer's relationship with their Tablet Computers and more interesting findings!