Question by chan21: Where can I buy a power switch with ribbon for canon zr85 camcorder ? I want to buy a power switch with ribbon for canon zr85 camcorder.Where can I buy it.Please help me.Thanks. Best answer: Answer by RugratzzzzzzzzzzzYou may be l...
MK has been repeatedly requesting from me if I can make ssOptSwitch totally loose focus and moves to the next control when user presses TAB and I said that unless someone showed me a way to do that via tabindex, then it can't be done. No one sh...

If you observe, I have ssButton3 & 4 in the library but no ssButton (1 & 2). That is because those are tied up with As I am very busy these days, I cannot move outright those other classes from the old sandstorm36...
The post It’s time to #Switch — Official TV Advert - 2013 appeared first on Find out more about the Lumia 920 &... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]...
By miss/adventuretraveler on Jan 5, 2013 in:
invention, nice, missadventuretraveler, interesting, seat, switch, twoside, uecl, blog, miscsightings, amazing, reversible, design, interior, lucena, bench, childhood, smart, furniture

A childhood-wonder! Till now! These remarkable bench seats are the same ones I sat on yeaaars ago! Need to face the other side? Simply switch the entire backing to the other side, Voila! =D Still solid, sturdy, and safe! I wanna bring one home! Pleaa...

What's New?Cleaner CodesFaster SwitchingBetter looksSwitched to PNG format for better appearancesChanged font from Tahoma 8 to Tahoma 10When I first created most of my classes, all I wanted is to have some uniquely looking objects I can use to spice...
By joell lapitan on Dec 31, 2012 in:
guests, howto, Ecommerce, ecommerce business, investment, online, online retailers, opposite, recognition, shop, store, switch, title, way
Many businesses have sprung up online in the last several years, and some of your favorite brick-and-mortar retailers might have even begun their lives as online stores, only to make the switch after the fact. It’s becoming more and more common...