By Lente | Talento | Talentedo on Mar 28, 2013 in:
surf, summer, islavirginia, androidonly, travel, androidnesia, baler, resort, quezon, travelgram, philippines, instaplaceapp

Greeting from #islavirginia #travel #travelgram #philippines #quezon #instaplaceapp @instaplaceapp #androidonly #androidnesia #Baler #Philippines #resort #summer #surf (at Isla Virginia)...
By May Rodrigo on Mar 4, 2013 in:
ez35, vivitar, lomo, lomography, analog, analogue, film, film photography, grain, grains, grainy, lowres, lofi, sun, beach, sunny, summer, sea, ocean, water, shore, shoreline, sand, wave, waves, surf, surfer, surfing, surfboard, skate

11.2.12 - Liwliwa Vivitar EZ35 Lomography XPro Chrome 100...

Check out the 2nd Billabong All Girls Surf Camp, happening on March 15- 17, 2013 at San Juan, La Union.2nd Billabong All Girls CampSurf Camp Date: March 15 at 12:00am until March 17 at 8:00pm/ Friday- SundaySurf Camp Venue: Urbiztondo Beach, Bgy. Urb...

My skin was bruised mostly with mosquito bites and the occasional scratches from the sea's stones. My finger was deeply sliced by a broken tile that saved me from falling butt-first on the ground. My slippers got lost, but I did not really mind as it...

Disclaimer: I am no surfer so the tips written here are purely based on my beginner ‘surfer’ experience. October is one of the surfing seasons in the Philippines and not being a fan of surfing (before), when a friend invited me to the 7th La Unio...
By Manila Fitness on Nov 27, 2012 in:
Events, Featured, Fitness, Yoga, casa san miguel, flow, flow surf yoga samba, samba, samba lessons, surf, surfing workshop, yoga, yoga retreat, zambales
This is the third year of the Surf Yoga Samba Weekend Retreat. I can't believe how time flies. I, usually, help them promote this event in my blog, and every year, I really want to join. This time around, my excuse is that I'm pregnant. I should real...
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