ONE: Vegan Resto Crush -- ManaIn the future, I predict that vegan hipsters will rule the world. Because they will be the only ones alive! Haha. And in Hong Kong, this is where they all converge. Mana is a tiny cafe (with communal dining area under th...

ONEI specialize in wobbly calligraphy. Haha. Did this for my friends' wedding invitation envelopes. (And I will only do this for friends! Such a tedious task. :P) TWOPJ went to Cebu for work and brought back a box filled with my customized LifeAfte...

ONEMorning meet up in Laguna with Muffin TWOMy kind of shopping: freshly harvested bananas, coconuts and pineapples sold on the side of the road THREEShades of Jade FOURWove stretchy gold bangles while waiting for my sister's x-rays (d...

ONEI was cleaning my craft boxes and came across (part of) my old sticker collection. Sandylion stickers! Do they still make these? I remember buying a perforated square for P10-P15 at their stores in the malls! All I found were these shiny foil ones...

ONE: Car-eoke!When it rains, traffic turns to monstrous levels, but it's also the perfect time to tune in to one of my favorite radio stations, 96.3, and sing along to the standards with feeling! These are actually video snapshots of us singing to Pa...

ONE: PinkLusso lunch dates Amelia and Ate Ria TWO: LegoOne random evening, I asked my nephew Kai to design the new restaurant we're opening in Jupiter. This was is floor plan. :P THREE: Brown Brush CaddyThanks to Paula of Chicify.com an...

Is is just me or have the last couple of weeks been really all about meetings, meetings, and more meetings? Since my work is no longer mobile (RIP laptop screen, which is permanently plugged and resuscitated by cords that connect it to my a...