Collecting stickers was a big craze back when I was in grade school. To prove that you were a serious sticker collector, you had to have Lisa Frank stickers. Lisa Frank’s popularity began to rise. Malls were crammed with Lisa Frank expanders, l...
By Recycle Bin of a Middle Child on Dec 14, 2012 in:
Filipino, drinks, Coffee Book, freebie, free, coffee, coffee card, sticker, 2013, planner, food
I'm changing something next year, and I personally think that the best way to start these "changes" in my life is by having a different strategy in life - a different plan. And by changing a life plan is by changing a planner, of course, so...

Hi~! Recently, I was browsing through nuffnangx and stumbled upon a craft blog but minutes later I found myself searching for printable origami, cute stickers, handmade notepads, etc like there's no tomorrow. I love to do handmade crafts since God cr...