"Dreaming" and "Working." Many confuse one for the other. Some are just dreaming when they should be working. While others are just working when they should be dreaming!Nothing great has been done with just a mere pep talk. If you have a big dre...
The first DigitalFilipino E-commerce Summit will be in Cebu on March 23, 2013, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The event of the year for business owners who are looking into e-commerce as a means to grow their business will take place at Diamond Suites & R...
By joell lapitan on Dec 4, 2012 in:
guests, howto, attention, blog, Budget, business website, corporation, disposal, FAQ, international brand, internet search, reason, small business owner, start-up, time, Ways, web browsers, Web design
A website is one of the most powerful tools a small business owner has at his disposal. The right website can turn a start-up into an international brand, while giving you the same ability to market and sell your wares as the largest corporation. Whi...
Sometimes we underestimate the value of what we are able to offer. A consultant may think that his insights are too simple, but to the listener, he is pleased to find precious advice.A musician may feel that he is out of style or that he keeps p...
By Productive Pinoy on Oct 14, 2012 in:
Success Stories, business plan, start something, Inspiration, Productive Pinoy, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, purpose, Passion, Success, Career, Change, Start a business, Success Ideas, Start-up

When Trey was a lot younger, people would ask him "What do you wanna do when you grow up?" With his cute lisp he'd reply, "I yike my dad's work. I yike to be a businessman."To hear my son appreciate what I do brings me a lot of joy. Ev...
I love planning. It's fun to strategize, to brainstorm or to dream of the million possibilities.But what if you spend more time planning than doing?Planning done well will save you a lot of hours. But if done wrong, it will do the opposite... eat all...
Ask highly successful entrepreneurs why they do what they do, and you will find out that it's rarely about the money.Most of them are not money driven, but mission-driven. No wonder Apple's Steve Jobs said "I want to put a ding in the Universe"&...