What You Should Know Concerning Natural Mattresses There has been a certain amount of emphasis in recent years in all consumer products on providing all natural organic alternatives to traditionally factory produced products. In mattresses, synthetic...
By FROM KOREA WITH LOVE on Mar 11, 2013 in:
Funny Anecdotes, Inspirational, Marriage, My Korean Husband and I, ApneaSleep, Conditions and Diseases, Facebook, health, sleep, sleep disorder, Snoring, Youtube
When I woke up this morning, the first thing I saw was my husband’s cell phone held up right in front of my face. I was furious: “What the… were you recording me while I was sleeping?” Oblivious of my annoyance, he responde...

Fatigue can be held accountable for as many as 40,000 traffic injuries and around 1,500 deaths per year in the US alone. Aside from impairing brain power and increasing the risk of an accident, insomnia’s ill-effects can also have a negative impa...
By Jcyberinux on Feb 7, 2013 in:
Windows, Windows 7, Windows XP, .BAT, .CMD, Batch Command, Batch File, Batch Loop Command, begin, goto, Operating System, ping, Sleep, Software, timeout
How to create a batch file (.bat or .cmd) with an infinite running loop on Windows XP and Windows 7 by: Revengsky Joseph D. Reyes - a.k.a rjdreyes Creating an infinite loop on a batch file is easy, this works both on Windows OS (XP/7): Open a N...
By Angela Andaluz on Jan 31, 2013 in:
One, day, unable, to, sleep, look, at, you, sleeping, world, seem, lonely, quote, j.r.

Tweet Sleep is very important for me. As much as possible, I aim for at least 6 hours of sleep. When I get lucky, I get eight. When I'm having a busy week, I get lucky with 4. But to me, it's not just about the length of sleep but the q...
Acts 20 7 On the first day of the week we came together to break bread. Paul spoke to the people and, because he intended to leave the next day, kept on talking until midnight. 8 There were many lamps in the upstairs room where we … Conti...