By Nite Writer on Feb 20, 2013 in:
Current Affairs, News and Society, Smorgasbord, Boy Bawal, COMELEC, Commission on Elections, Election Campaign violations, Halalan 2013, Nite Writer, Philippine Election 2013, Philippine Government, Political campaign, Politics, Sixto Brillantes

The Commission on Elections (COMELEC) recently introduces “Boy Bawal”, its poster boy against campaign violations in line with the upcoming May 2013 midterm elections. The video which was produced by COMELEC’s Education and Informat...
As a traveler, it’s always a dream to travel around the world. We are known as nomad, but it doesn’t mean that we don’t care about our families’ way back home. I’ve always see to it that I have enough air time to call my famil...
By Human Rights Online Philippines on Feb 8, 2013 in:
Statement, BEI, COMELEC, Commission on Elections, Department of Education, deped, Filipino, Human Rights, Philippine, Sixto Brillantes
Teachers reiterate appeal for teachers’ right to vote A week prior to the actual campaign period, the Teachers’ Dignity Coalition (TDC) reiterates it’s earlier appeal to the Comelec to pay attention to the matter of voters’ registration of te...
By Human Rights Online Philippines on Oct 29, 2012 in:
Statement, BEI, Chairman, COMELEC, Commission on Elections, Department of Education, deped, Government, Philippine, Sixto Brillantes, Voter registration, voters registration
Teachers must be registered voters to serve the elections Two days before the deadline of registration for 2013 elections, the Teachers’ Dignity Coalition (TDC), does not expect for an extension of voters’ registration. However, we would like to...
By Human Rights Online Philippines on Oct 28, 2012 in:
Press Release, Chairman, COMELEC, Commission on Elections, current-events, Department of Education, deped secretary, House, Human Right, public school teachers, Sixto Brillantes, TDC
TDC welcomes house approval of insurance for teachers in poll duties The Teachers’ Dignity Coalition (TDC) welcomes the House approval of HB 6528, authored by Rep. Juliet Cortuna of A Teacher Party List. The bill provides an insurance package for e...
After campaign vs ‘epal’, group trains gun on ‘bopal’ By Jovan Cerda, September 28, 2012 MANILA, Philippines - A national political party representing the marginalized sector held on Friday a rally against &...