By Rocket Kapre on Jan 21, 2013 in:
News, Slider, 2012 British Science Fiction Association Awards, 2013, Awards, British Science Fiction Association, Philippine Genre Stories, Rochita Loenen-Ruiz, shortlist, Song of the Body Cartographer, World SF, World SF Travel Fund
Filipina author (and Alternative Alamat contributor) Rochita Loenen-Ruiz has just been short-listed for the 2012 British Science Fiction Association Awards for her story “Song of the Body Cartographer”” (published in country’s ver...
By Myronosophies: Insights from the Training Expert on Jan 16, 2013 in:
Career, applicant, application, apply, approach, aspirant, associate, candidate, companies, Corporate, curriculum, effective, employee, guideline, highlight, hire, hired, HR, Human Resources, interview, job, land, make, making, manager, new, page, paper, portal, practical, recruiter, Recruitment, resume, screen, shortlist, specialist, vitae, writing
This New Year, a lot of employees are leaving their companies for one reason or another although whatever that reason would be is not the focus of this article. So, it is but a perfect timing to talk about our subject for today. This new article ai...