By The Fanboy SEO on Dec 8, 2012 in:
Stuart Immonen, Scott Summers, Magneto, Comics, Emma Frost, Phoenix Five, All New X-Men, Spoilers, Brian Michael Bendis, AvX, Magik, Cyclops

What happens to modern day Cyclops and the rest of his X-Tinction team? Find out in All New X-Men # 3 by Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen. Find out what problems Cyclops, Magneto, Magik and the returning Emma Frost faces after the cut.
By The Fanboy SEO on Dec 6, 2012 in:
Stuart Immonen, Scott Summers, Comics, Iceman, Hank McCoy, Wolverine, All New X-Men, Beast, Spoilers, Brian Michael Bendis, Jean Grey School for Higher Learning, Cyclops

Wolverine gets his ass pwned by the old school Jean Grey in last week's All New X-Men # 2 by Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen. In this issue, modern Beast brings back the old school X-Men in his last ditch effort to stop the madness...

Scans and spoilers abound for All New X-Men # 1 by Brian Bendis and Stuart Immonen. Let me just call out my ever handy spoiler alert image... Okay, now I'm putting the "read more" icon below so as to serve as a barrier. If you're ready just scrol...
By That Cebuano Kid on Apr 28, 2012 in:
Phoenix, Alex Summers, X-Men, Marvel Comics superheroes, Sean Cassidy, Charles Xavier, Banshee, Havok, Jean Grey, Cable, comics characters, Marvel Comics mutants, Cyclops, comics, Scott Summers, films

I just recently watched X-Men: First Class. From the teasers, press releases and film trailers, I learned that the film would not be based on the X-Men: First Class comic series—I thought of not watching the film. Why can’t 20th Century Fox make...