Rock music has been a source of controversy and often being associated with negativity, hatred, anger, and rebellion. It is also being connected with the use of drugs, promiscuity, premarital and casual sex, violence, and satanism. A lot of rock musi...
All of us will suffer depression at one point or another due to the circumstances that will challenge our strength and ability to cope with it. Depression may be brought by a breakup, bereavement, loss of employment or property, and rejection. It may...
Once in our lives we've dealt with the worse breakup we could ever face, the most painful, devastating, and sometimes self- destructing breakup we may endure. Others tend to cope up easily but others succumb to depression and commit suicide. Take it...
A lot of women are going crazy about the newly released book the Fifty Shades Trilogy written by E.L. James because of the novel's protagonist Christian Grey. I wont elaborate about him because it's for you to find out :) but one of Christian's r...
If you want a more detailed information about your rock idol's biography, then you have to pay a visit to a local bookshop and start reading your idol's biography. Some rock icons' stories are inspirational, some are dark, and some are tragic, but st...
Being a fan of rock music, I also go for movies with great rock soundtracks or movies which are based on the rock music scene. Some rock movies feature the lives of great artists who've left an indelible mark in the music industry, and it is great th...

Original work of Eddie FouseDon’t get me wrong guys. I love being in a band as much as I love doing music. As proof, I’ve had so many experiences singing for project and garage bands during my years in nursing school. I even had my own recently.