Shop at the iGrab Summer Sale Get discounts of up to 70% off on the best deals in town. Shop for luggage, outdoor gear, apparel, footwear, and travel packages you would not want to miss! What's great is that Resorts World card members...
Take this with a grain of salt for the moment folks, but during the welcoming speech this evening during the press screening/advance screening of "Les Miserables" from Solar-UIP, it was mentioned that there's a possibility that "Fast and the Furious...
That was a tiring day. I was only on my first day with my 3-day seminar-workshop conducted for the Norwegian Training Center in TESDA Complex, Taguig but my energy was already consumed. A perfect timing when my phone rang—a friend … Continu...
By Big blog theory on Jun 11, 2012 in:
accessories, Penshoppe, philippine flag, Mall of Asia, Resorts World, accessories organizer, rings, sponsor, Photos, Philippines, aionlineshop.com, Ian Somerhalder, Love Moon Shop, Ai Fash, Vina Yabut
Do you know the show So Random by Demi Lovato and the gang? Haha. I missed it so much that when I was thinking about a blog title and So Random came into mind, it was the first thing I thought about. Every night, before going to bed it's one of the f...
By Big blog theory on Jan 26, 2012 in:
Underworld, Resorts World, Vikings, Primadonna, 21st birthday, Recipes, birthday, MOA, Mahatma Ghandi, Vina Yabut
Warning: This post could make your tummy grumble. To nth degree.P.S. A photo heavy one, too.Sorry for the long time blog Hiatus. -_- My rank dropped by hundred plus. Sad. Ha ha. This is a photo summary (if you call 49 photos a summary. lol)...
I was telling you guys in my other blog entry that last Friday I was all over the Metro (Makati to QC and back again to Makati). It was okay, but the thing was I had just entrusted my trusty baby Huey to my casa in Pasong Tamo. So....hagardo versoza...
Aside from being able to watch the prelude, I got the privilege to watch the premiere of The Sound of Music at Resorts World, Newport Performing Arts Theater (NPAT)! Thanks to Cristina Mago :-) I was sooo impressed with Ms. Joanna Am...