BANGKOK - As the Philippines clears the way for the implementation of a hardfought Reproductive Health Law, it may find that reaping all the benefits for which the law is intended will continue to demand holistic, complicated interventions. On...
LumalalangProblemang Child Sexual Abuse Malala ang problema ng Pilipinas pagdating sa isyung child sexual abuse. Nakababahalaang mga statistics na nagpapakita ng lumalagong bilang ng mga kaso nito... Christian Internet Radio Station that aims to...

We live in an instant world. We want what we want now. The problem with our instant generation is that we don’t get to enjoy the LATER. We want to have sex before marriage, we engage in porn and we go ahead of God’s design of sex in marri...

One of the best books I read last year was "Surfing for God: Discovering the Divine Desire Beneath Sexual Struggle" by Michael Cusick, thus, this book review. The subtitle describes the book so well, because the book will help its readers...
By Act Like A Man on Oct 29, 2012 in:
Faith, Jesus Christ, Masturbation, Pornography, Sex, eggs and ham, point man, sex drive, sexual sin, steve farrar

… the battle field is in our mind. All of us have our sex drive. Some are in hyper mode, some are in dormant mode but all of us in seasons of our life experience having an active sex drive. It is what we do with our sex drive that determines ou...

There is too much unplanned pregnancies among singles because of pre-marital sex, stories of adultery left and right, movies and tv series that exposes us and our kids to the harsh realities of life and in a way numbs us to what is right. So what do...
By Act Like A Man on Oct 20, 2012 in:
Manhood, Marriage, Pornography, Relationships, Sex, Weddings, andi eigenmann, anne curtis smith, filipino movies, sex objects, sexual objectification, the secret affair

……. is that they are desensitizing us from painful realities of life, marriage and relationships. I know movies reflect the culture we live in today. That is partly true but to highlight it because that is what people want, more sex scene...