Aside from celebrating her 10th year in the showbiz, Popstar Sarah Geronimo will break her silence this Sunday (March 17) in “ASAP 18” about her and John Lloyd Cruz‘ highly anticipated third installment romantic-comedy movie series...
ABS-CBN’s newest Primetime Bida drama series “Apoy Sa Dagat” quickly won the hearts of TV viewers as it ruled its timeslot recently, beating its two rival teleseryes in GMA. Based on the data from Kantar Media, last Monday (February...
MANILA, Philippines - Kapamilya's newest television soap "Apoy Sa Dagat" made a strong debut during its first airing yesterday as it landed fifth overall based from the overnight Total Philippines of Kantar Media TNS. Apoy Sa Dagat premiered wi...
By Cogito Ergo Sum on Feb 10, 2013 in:
diether ocampo, nikki gil, freddie webb, liza lorena, abs-cbn primetime bida, direk nick olanka, direk fm reyes, teleserye, angelica panganiban, entertainment, piolo pascual, drama, perla bautista
We love watching a well-thought, well-prepared and well-researched drama on television. At first, from the still photos, ABS-CBN's newest Primetime Bida teleserye Apoy Sa Dagat seemed so daring showing sexy photos of Angelica Panganiban, Diether Ocam...
In continuation with its 18th anniversary, “ASAP 18” doubles the love and fun this Sunday (February 10) in its Valentine’s Month and Chinese New Year Celebration as the phenomenal love team of Coco Martin and Julia Montes launch their m...
Beginning Monday (February 11), ABS-CBN’s most passionate primetime drama series “Apoy Sa Dagat” fires up TV screens with the compelling story of burning love among four powerful characters namely Serena (Angelica Panganiban), Ruben (Piolo Pasc...
“ASAP 18″ is all set to throw a once-in-a-lifetime celebration this Sunday (February 3) as ABS-CBN’s longest-running and top-rating musical variety show celebrates 18 years of brilliance and supremacy with world-class performances and non-stop...