A few days ago, I was surfing the net and try to look on the small investments I made with this corporation I admire very much with their food products and beverages. I was shocked and awe to read the report on a leading newspaper on their plan to...
My first interview with Anna Patricia Valerio at Business World Newspaper. Excerpts taken from the article published a year ago. SPECIAL FEATURE: EntrepreNEWS. BusinessWorld (Philippines) | June 05, 2012 | Copyright By...

What I have learned in Football and Financial Planning By: Benedict F. BaluyutBeing a one of the Football Managing Staff and Financial Planner are both different things and aspects. Both professions have similarities that can be applied in realistica...

It was ecstatic moment for me to receive my certificate as a full pledged Registered Financial Planner last March 19, 2012. It felt great after a few years of being inactive and been plain busy with life, career, sports and other extra curricular act...

A few months ago, I got to see one thread from one particular Filipino forum in the Philippines which really has hot debate on this question as I was wondering a lot of times before and asking myself, why are Filipinos poor? A lot of the forum mem...

Finally, I never thought that my case study in financial planning will be featured and published at Moneysense magazine's September and October 2010 at page. I feel very surprised that my name was there and that I have finally broken the ice of being...

Back in February 2010, I was approached with one of my boss who is a physician consultant and had a one on one conversation in encouraging me to take up medicine and go back to school. He saw in me the determination to succeed in every tasks made dur...