The FGS Mabuhay Temple will be conducting a 2-day conference on Humanistic Buddhism and Cultural Pluralism this coming November 23-24, 2012. Over 30 international experts, scholars, artists, performers and spiritual thinker will be part of the said...
By jsncruz on Oct 6, 2012 in:
Articles, Issues, People and Places, articles, education, faith, issues, jason cruz, jsncruz, law, legal, philippines, social responsibility, society
First of all, the original article was titled “RH Bill, Ateneo, and La Salle: Of lemons and cowards” and was published almost a month ago, on September 9, 2012 but made rounds around the ‘net last night. Second, I honestly have no i...
By jsncruz on Oct 1, 2012 in:
Articles, Jason Cruz, People and Places, Social Media, education, facebook, issues, legal, philippines, social media, social responsibility, society, tech
The online and connected population of the Philippines stood up today and took an online stand against the newly signed Philippine Cyber crime Law (formally the Republic Act 10175). To make a long story short, the problem isn’t the law in its...