While some people call themselves ‘foodie’, I call myself a ‘drinkie’. As most of you know by now, I’m not a big fan of eating. I find eating a chore...
By Age of the Diary on Oct 10, 2012 in:
Blogging, advertising, anti-cybercrime, anti-cybercrime law, Atty. Disini, Binalot, Blog, blogging, brand advocates, Business process outsourcing, celebrity, cybercrime, cybercrime law, Defamation, Digital Influencers Marketing Summ, digital world, Disini, emerging blogs, endorser, Facebook, Information and communications technology, internet, janette toral, job, Law, libel, maita siquijor, marketing, Oishi, pangasinan, Philippine, pinay thrillseeker, Prima facie, public shools, Rosario Juan, school newspaper, sleep, social media, summit, Team Manila, technology, top 10 emerging blogs, top 10 emerging blogs for 2012, tweet, tweet up, tweetup, twitter, vanj padilla, website
After the Laguna Blogging Summit, I attended the Digital Influencers Marketing Summit. Am I a summit addict now? I guess ever since I attended iBlog8: The 8th Philippine Blogging Summit, I’m like, I want more! The Cybercrime Law The hottest to...
By littlewishingstar on Sep 28, 2012 in:
Books, New Books, advocacy, Beth Parrocha Doctolero, financial literacy, financial literacy for kids, Liwayway Marketing Corporation, Liwayway Marketing Corporation Peso Smart Books, Oishi, Oishi Peso Smart Kids Books
C had a challenge for me when we brainstormed for the fourth and last book in the Oishi Peso Smart …Continue reading »...
Last Friday, I gave a talk on creative writing and facilitated a story-writing workshop for grade school teachers who came …Continue reading »...