OFW Award | Balikbayan Award The search for the Outstanding OFW and Balikbayan Reputation Award (OBRA) is on. An annual event held in conjunction with the Megabalikbayan and OFW Expo (MBOX), OBRA aims to recognize OFWs and Balikbayans who are...
By Philippine Videos and Pinoy TV on Oct 11, 2011 in:
Pinoy TV, Cruz, INTERPRETASYON, Jessica, Kanya, kanyang, MIDEO, OBRA, Sining, Soho

JESSICA SOHO: OBRA NI MIDEO CRUZ - SA SINING KANYA KANYANG INTERPRETASYON Video Rating: 5 Stars CCP exec: ‘Poleteismo served as awakening’CARMELA LAPEÑA, GMA News 08/12/2011 | 02:07 PM An official of the Cultural Center of the...
ATTACK ON ART EXHIBITS AT CULTURAL CENTER OF THE PHILIPPINES (CCP) - OBRA NI MIDEO CRUZ Video Rating: 4 Stars “Exhibits showcasing works by alumni from a church-run university aiming to challenge people’s perceptions of figures they...