By The Fanboy SEO on Feb 20, 2013 in:
Comics, Guardians of the Galaxy, Jeph Loeb, Spoilers, Ed McGuiness, Nova, Marvel Now, Marvel Comics, Gamorra, Rocket Raccoon

Some details and minor spoilers for Nova # 1 by Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuiness In this issue, we find out the following things: Read more »...
By The Fanboy SEO on Feb 8, 2013 in:
Captain Marvel, Wolverine, Brandon Peterson, Age of Ultron, Hulk, Marvel Comics, Cyclops, Teasers, Comics, Star Lord, Captain America, Nova, The Thing

Nothing beats the usual spoilers that Marvel releases and we see in this new teaser for AGE OF ULTRON that it can still generate buzz. So what's wrong with this picture. We have a one-eyed Captain America and Cyclops. A female...

Skottie Young is at it again with his cover for Nova. Nova # 1 will be written by Jeph Loeb with art by Ed McGuiness and will feature the adventures of the new Nova, Sam Alexander.
By The Fanboy SEO on Jan 17, 2013 in:
Shanna the She-Devil, Art Asylum, Diamond Select Toys, Superior Spider-Man, Marvel Minimates, Nick Fury Jr., Toys, Sam Alexander, Sauron, Nova, Marvel Now, Maria Hill

The Superior Spider-Man headlines wave 51 of the Marvel Minimates toyline. This new wave will also feature other figures from the Marvel Now relaunch. Here's the breakdown of the characters available for this series: Marvel NOW! Minimate...
By The Fanboy SEO on Jan 14, 2013 in:
Baron Zemo, Art Asylum, Spider-Man, Diamond Select Toys, Onslaught, Marvel Minimates, Thunderbolts, Toys, Nova, Ghost Rider, Songbird, Danny Ketch

Here's the first look at the upcoming minimates from Art Asylum and Diamond Select Toys dubbed as the Marvel Minimates wave 50. So here's the breakdwon of the characters: 1. Deathlok Spider-Man 2. Danny Ketch Ghost Rider 3. Modern Baron Ze...
By Baddieverse on Nov 16, 2012 in:
Comics, adam kubert, chris bachalo, cyclops, david aja, marcos martin, marvel now, milo manara, nova, sif, x-men

I just went through Marvel’s solicitations for February 2013 and I saw a bunch of really nice covers. The combination of old favorite artists and new bringers of eye candy is just one reason why this whole Marvel NOW! is tickling my inner child...
By The Fanboy SEO on Nov 16, 2012 in:
Baron Zemo, Art Asylum, Onslaught, Marvel Minimates, Toys, Minimate, Minimates, Deathlok, Nova, Ghost Rider, Songbird

Here's a new look at the 50th wave for Marvel minimates from Art Asylum. This new wave will feature: - Ghost Rider (with Blue flame) - Onslaught - Songbird - Deathlok Spider-Man - Baron Zemo (modern) - Baron Zemo (silver age) - Nova (ar...