It's weekend, any plans for today? My apologies for not posting lately, our internet connection is acting up and it's really weird because the internet service provider said that the line is okay. Anyhoo, I mentioned in my previou...
Happy Friday! I only have seven sleepless nights to get through the event but nevertheless I will still posting beauty related stuff every time I can. I am excited to finish everything because I am feeling I am entering a new world for a new life. En...
By DISHYSAMMY on Mar 6, 2013 in:
FOTD, Make up, Covergirl, easy makeup look, everyday makeup look, LA Colors, LA Girls, nichido, Revlon, simple makeup look, The Face shop, Tony Moly, wearable office look
Change time slot for my blogging time. LOL If I blog late in the afternoon I end up not blogging at all because I have loads of work to do. Anyhow, I suppose to film this look last night but I forgot my memory card and the only one I have at home can...
By Dear Kitty Kittie Kath on Jan 18, 2013 in:
beauty subscription, haul, concealer, fashion, Gluta-C, Nichido, pimple treatment, whitening gel, underarm care, facial wipes, Lee Jeans, body scrub, Sample Room, Asian Secrets, Purederm, hair care, HBC, Quick FX

Happy weekend guys! We're fortunate that beauty comes in boxes now. I mean we can try beauty, skin care, wellness products and everything in between with these beauty subscription boxes. I presume that you all know these beauty bo...

Nichido Make-Up Collection Matted Palette. Hey Guys! Let me share with you this Nichido Palette which I got during my long vacation in the Philippines for only P100 with their famous Nichido Liquid Eyeliner! Nice deal huh? Too nice for me to pass...

When I was still in high school, I had fun playing with make-up. I actually wore it almost every day. I actually have two reasons why I use it before. First because I'm part of the choir in school so it is needed during the times we perform and secon...
By bee's kyoote blog. on Nov 6, 2012 in:
Wet n Wild, False Lashes, FOTD, Eye Primers, Event, Covergirl, Biya, Eyeshadow, Dollface, Nichido, Makeup, Eyeliner, Hard Candy, Concealers, Palladio, Face, Lipsticks, Urban Decay, Rimmel

instagram: beekyoote "All the world's a stage" - Shakespeare Hey guys! Its been awhile and I've been bad a blogging lately... tsktsk. Sorry about that! Anyways, let me share with you my Halloween look for 2012! I got it from a store called...