30 November is a national holiday being the commemoration of Andres Bonifacio's 149th birth date. A bio pic, Supremo, produced by Alfred Vargas will be shown on 30 November at SM Fairview cinemas. The same movie is included in the line-up of indie...
I got an invitation from the National Book Development Board via email -- DepEd and NBDB Set Quality Books Exhibit--open to everyone, no entrance nor registration fees. In celebration of Philippine Book Development Month, the Department of...
It is November and the calendar is full of literary and literacy events. There will be a Read Lit District affair in Manila come mid-November and it promises a host of popular literary celebrities from here and abroad. Thanks to the National Book Dev...

On the first day of the Read Lit District event, several critically acclaimed writers will be critquing selected first pages of novels. The NBDB is looking for submissions. Here’s the announcement from Facebook: On November 14, top writers and...