By on Mar 31, 2013 in:
adventure, Batek, Bontoc, camping, climbing, Fang Od, Hiking, Kalinga, mountain biking, Mountain Province, Myles Delfin, philippines, Sagada, Wang Od

Published in Weekend Warrior Magazine. A mountain bike can go to places that are either simply too far to walk or too rugged to reach with other forms of transportation, at home in both easy country and in loftier places where the trail points toward...
By on Mar 30, 2013 in:
Ride, Abra de Ilog, adventure, camping, cycling, Mindoro, mountain biking, mountaineering, Myles Delfin, philippines, sports, swimming

Please set your YouTube player to 720p to watch the video in full HD. I stood under the shade of the tarpaulin canopy of the ferry’s roof deck, quietly contemplating the diminishing outline of Batangas Province in the distance. Diesel fumes...
By on Feb 7, 2013 in:
climbs, adventure, camping, climbing, Guiting-guiting, mountaineering, Myles Delfin, philippines, Romblon, Sibuyan, travel

CLICK HERE to visit the complete photo gallery of the Mount Guiting-guiting off-season climb. Sibuyan is an island in the province of Romblon that has the unique distinction of being considered as “the Galapagos of Asia”. Like the island...
By on Feb 5, 2013 in:
adventure, camping, caving, climbing, cycling, mountain biking, mountaineering, Myles Delfin, philippines, sports, travel

Racing for four days without stopping is an exhilarating experience for some, and hell for others. From experience, it takes a specific aptitude for extended suffering to enjoy the sport of adventure racing. Through the years, there have been many va...
By on Feb 5, 2013 in:
adventure, camping, caving, climbing, cycling, mountain biking, mountaineering, Myles Delfin, philippines, sports, travel

After more than two decades of running around without a destination, I’ve discovered that I have a list of almost everything there is under the sun about adventure. These are lists that are, in no way, definitive nor practical for everyone as t...
By on Feb 2, 2013 in:
Uncategorized, adventure, camping, caving, climbing, cycling, mountain biking, mountaineering, Myles Delfin, philippines, sports, travel

Every adventurer has his own set of essentials that he absolutely cannot leave home without. From Swiss Army Knives to Leatherman Tools, the list is long and varied. Folding knives and clever pocket-sized can-openers aside, I have my own simple set o...