So I caved in and got Bioshock Infinite brand new on Black Saturday (since the malls were open). Now I thought of doing a full playthrough of it on our youtube channel but I’m not the greatest FPS player and I know that there are a lot of thing...

Happy long weekend! Well, for those in the Philippines at least, thanks to this week’s holy week. It’s a bit late to create a post like this since holy week did start last Wednesday, but yesterday is really when everybody is in relax mode...

Finally, the first game I’ve beaten on our youtube channel. Now before starting this playthrough, I did beat the game previously on normal mode so I used some of the extra weapons and power-ups on hard mode. Not all the parts are live yet but a...

A new desktop PC may not be a big deal for most of you guys out there but I haven’t owned a desktop PC ever. My family ran through a few desktop PCs before but those were years and years ago. The last of which was back in 2002. This is the firs...

So I have the Infinite Wig B equipped which gives me a never draining electrolyte gauge for infinite blade mode and ripper mode which isn’t enough to beat a boss in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. But then this happened. Related Posts:Gam...

Another episode of Recent Buys in video form and another small haul BUT WITH AN ACTUAL VIDEO GAME. So this one counts. Recorded on 03/11/2013 Items: Battlefield 3 Premium Pelican Dual Triggers for PS3 Special thanks to @gerardatron for hooking me up...

I am just at a loss of words at how amazing this is. Before you hit the play button, place your hands under your chin because you jaw will literally drop.Related Posts:The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Official GDC TrailerThe Legend of Zelda: Skywar...