By Kalongkong Bridge Web Eye on Mar 4, 2013 in:
Contest, Environment, Events, Health, Mountaineering, Outreach, Running, Running Bloggers, Sports, aviation, banco de oro, Banco de Oro Universal Bank, cars, champaca, Habagat, Habagat Outdoors, Jersey, Manila, Marikina, marikina city, marikina city hall, McDonald, New Jersey, transportation, United States

HABAGAT EARTH HOUR RIDE March 23, 2013 Assembly Time: 6:00PM Ride-out: 7:00PM HABAGAT EARTH HOUR RIDE ROUTE: Marikina City Hall, McDonald’s Ave., Sumulong Hiway, Katipunan St., Liwasang Kalayaan (Circle), P. Valenzuela, Gen. Ordonez, Balagtas,...

Most of us, will not end a day without drinking coffee. Agree with me? right? Actually, I never used to drink coffee but when I taste McDo's McCafe, it made me love coffee. Oh well, McDonald has a good news for us coffee lovers. Every Monday...

Strawberry frothe that i made. #food #frappe #frothe #foodporn #pink #mcdonald #mccafe #drinks...

This is the McCafe caramel frappe i made! What do you guys think? #yummy #food #foodporn #mcdonald #mccafe #caramel #frappe #tumblr...
By FROM KOREA WITH LOVE on Oct 27, 2012 in:
Inspirational, Perspectives, Pinas, Ayosho, chocolate sundae, chocolate syrup, food posters, Ice cream soda, McDonald, Nephew and niece, Philippines, proud aunt, Ronald McDonald, Soft drink

My little nephew, only four years old, is addicted to soda. He can finish two big glasses of soda in one sitting! When my husband saw him drink a glass of cola for the first time, (he was just two then) he was very surprised and concerned. He’s...