After Maundy Thursday comes Good Friday, the day of Christ's crucifixion. A solemn commemoration as well as fasting and abstinence are observed. In addition, this is the only day that Mass in not celebrated. Starting 12 noon, all broadcasting stat...
By Jeff Aspacio's Life as Experienced Daily on Mar 27, 2013 in:
Thank You for the Cross, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Only Jesus, Holy Week, Via Dolorosa, Broken and Spilled Out, Savior, Redeemer, Friend

I have been searching in my music library for some music appropriate for playing during this Holy Week, from Maundy Thursday to Good Friday, and came up with 3 songs that would be perfect for listening as you meditate this Holy Week. Some are not as...

If I were to choose which part of the holy week I hate the most, I would have to say that these are the days from Thursday to Saturday. I don't know why, but it might be just because that these days seemed more dull than normal. I was act...
By FROM KOREA WITH LOVE on Mar 25, 2013 in:
Filipino Celebrations, Filipino Culture, Inspirational, To God Be the Glory, Bible, Holy Week, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Mark Burnett, Maundy Thursday, Palm Sunday, Roma Downey
Holy Week, the commemoration of the passion of Christ, begins today (Palm Sunday, March 24, 2013). I come from a Catholic country, so my Catholic family gives so much importance to this religious festival known as Semana Santa. When I was younger...
By FROM KOREA WITH LOVE on Mar 24, 2013 in:
Filipino Celebrations, Filipino Culture, Inspirational, To God Be the Glory, Bible, Holy Week, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Mark Burnett, Maundy Thursday, Palm Sunday, Roma Downey
Holy Week, the commemoration of the passion of Christ, begins today (Palm Sunday, March 24, 2013). I come from a Catholic country, so my Catholic family gives so much importance to this religious festival known as Semana Santa. When I was younger...