Persons caught making prank calls to the Marikina City government’s rescue office will be fined P5,000, an official said yesterday. Marikina to fine prank callers Source: - Metro Tags: Marikina, Marikina City government, mari...
The wife of an American businessman and her driver were kidnapped in Makati City on Tuesday and freed several hours later in Marikina City after payment of P6.1-million ransom and expensive imported watches. US trader’s wife snatched, freed Sou...
A paralyzed man was burned to death and five others were injured in a one-hour fire that hit a residential building on Malaya street in Marikina City yesterday. 1 dead, 5 hurt in Marikina fire Source: - Metro Tags: marikina city, r...
Police arrested a taxi driver hours after he stabbed and left for dead a drug company supervisor he robbed in Marikina City Saturday night. Cabbie robs, stabs drug firm exec in Marikina Source: - Metro Tags: Metro CA, saturday nigh...
Over at Get Real Philippines Community, people are still talking about Jimmy Sieczka and his video "20 reasons why I dislike the Philippines". In my opinion, focusing on the butt-hurtedness of... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my websi...
The deed of absolute sale between Cristina Corona and Demetrio Coronado Vicente involving seven parcels of land in Marikina City was notarized by an unlicensed notary public in Makati City in 1990 and Renato Corona himself witnessed this. Cristina Co...

Kapitan Moy's house is a 220 year old structure, and in fact the first shoe making house in Marikina. The Kapitan actually started the whole shoe making industry.(click here for more details) Residence of Don Laureano Guevarra ( Kapitan...