By Dreams and Escapes on Apr 9, 2013 in:
Close to Nature, Closer to God, Happiness, inspiration, inspirational, life, literature and Fiction, Mary Oliver Quotes, nature, photography, poems, silence speaks, books, Mary Oliver, New And Selected Poems by Mary Oliver

Amazing! There is always something new every time I read Mary Oliver’s poems and you get to imagine the scene while appreciating every word. You get to open your eyes to the way she sees the world - and you smile because somehow...
By Dreams and Escapes on Feb 14, 2013 in:
books, guilty pleasures, life, literature and Fiction, Richard Paul Evans, Faith, quotes, Quotes from Richard Paul Evans, reading, reflections, The Looking Glass
Short of saying I haven’t read in quite a while, I am happy that since the start of January, I was able to catch up on my reading. It’s now a feat for me to read five books in a span of almost two months because for a while there, readi...

Here are more quotes from my favorite author, Richard Paul Evans. Some are lifted from his soon to be released book, A Step of Faith. Filed under: life, literature and Fiction, reflections, Richard Paul Evans Tagged: books, Faith, inspirational quote...
If one person stands by you no matter what, it makes you realize your life is worth living. - Patricia MacDonald Filed under: friendship, inspirational, life, QUOTE Tagged: inspirational quotes, life, literature and Fiction, quotes, reflections...
By Dreams and Escapes on Jan 10, 2013 in:
life, books, literature and Fiction, blogging, journeys, a bit of myself, silence speaks, thoughts and ramblings, book review, music, nostalgia trip

Moments. Oh please, don’t ask me how this came about. I was just listening to the music of Henri Mancini, Two For The Road particularly when I suddenly remembered those movie themes that I regularly listen to on YouTube. There are times w...
By Dreams and Escapes on Jan 4, 2013 in:
authors, guilty pleasures, inspiration, life, literature and Fiction, photography, poems, silence speaks, writing, books, Mary Oliver, Mary OLiver writings and poems, thoughts and ramblings

Then she said: I have a notebook with me all the time, and I begin scribbling a few words. When things are going well, the walk does not get anywhere; I finally just stop and write. Filed under: authors, guilty pleasures, inspiration, life, literatur...
By Dreams and Escapes on Dec 28, 2012 in:
authors, books, guilty pleasures, literature and Fiction, motivational author, poems, silence speaks, Spirituality, inspirational, Mary Oliver, reading, reading list for 2013, Thomas Merton

2012 - a lazy year of reading for me, I guess I could count on my fingers the books I have read this year but then I call it the busiest year that I accumulated more books on my shelf than I care to admit. There are still unopened books that...