Whenever I make a decision, I just simply draw the pros and cons of my options, choose the option I think it's best, pray, think about it some more, give my final decision, hope it's the right decision and never look back. Haha... But...
While reading "A Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything: A Spirituality in Real Life" by Fr. James Martin, SJ, there was something about what he said on praying which jolted me. He shared that when he was a young boy, he used to think God as...
While reading "A Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything: A Spirituality in Real Life" by Fr. James Martin, SJ, there was something about what he said on praying which jolted me. He shared that when he was a young boy, he used to think God as...
I'm currently reading a book which tells a story that deeply moved me. Father Arrupe, a Jesuit priest, was once visiting some other Jesuits working in the slums of Latin America. During the visit, he celebrated mass for the local peo...
If you know someone who's always distracted because while doing something, he's thinking of something else (could be worries in life, a pending project, or anticipation of a future event), the book The Present is a good gift to give. Being preo...
If you know someone who's always distracted because while doing something, he's thinking of something else (could be worries in life, a pending project, or anticipation of a future event), the book The Present is a good gift to give. Being preo...
Yesterday, someone posted a comment in one of my old blogposts entitled "Why do you want to get rich?". The comment reads: I have experienced this wisdom from the help we had while operating ranches in the southwest. It's not what you have, it...