For those Lady Gaga fans, or anyone who supports anti-bullying, bravery, equality, etc. you can...
By SUPERMAN on Mar 29, 2013 in:
photoset, good friday, photo, jesus, omg, pop of colors, photography, Art, Artists on Tumblr, Illustration, one direction, lady gaga, nicki minaj, katy perrry, 1D, rihanna

Lady Gaga is doing great after her hip surgery according to her representative. The singer cancelled all her world tour after sometime that she accidentally hurt herself while performing, now Lady Gaga is ready to get back and work again.The singer t...
Shit Stuff #2: Lady Gaga (Monster Ball at the Madison Square Garden)...
By SUPERMAN on Mar 16, 2013 in:
lady gaga, monster ball, sketch, art, artist on tumblr, ispellart, fashion, Artists on Tumblr, Illustration, photography
Shit Stuff #4: Lady Gaga and the Living Dress at the Monster Ball...

Shit stuff #4: Lady Gaga and the Living Dress...

Is this true? A new Lady Gaga concert dvd? Holy Christ.