By Rocket Kapre on Nov 6, 2012 in:
Slider, Alexandra Trese, Alexandra x Maliksi, budjette tan, celebrity look-alikes, FPJ, interview, interviews, kajo baldisimo, komikon, komikon 2012, komiks, Maliksi, Marvel style, Midnight Tribunal, preview, romance, shipping, Trese 5, Trese Book 5, Trese x Maliksi

Trese 5 will be available nationwide very soon, so as has become something of a tradition for each launch, I shot a few questions out to Trese scribe Budjette Tan. I wanted to make the interview accessible to those who haven’t yet read the book...
By Rocket Kapre on Oct 24, 2012 in:
News, Alexandra Trese, budjette tan, kajo baldisimo, komikon, komikon 2012, komiks, Midnight Tribunal, preview, Trese 5, Trese Book 5

The 2012 year-end Komikon is this Saturday, and while I hope Rocket Kapre readers have all added Mythspace to their pull lists, there are a lot of great new titles coming out, so best hit the ATMs before hitting the Bayanihan Center. One of the most...
By The Fanboy SEO on Oct 22, 2012 in:
Graphic Novel, Trese, Kajo Baldisimo, Comics, Alamat Comics, Alexandra Trese, Midnight Tribunal, Komikon, Trese 5, Budjette Tan

I've been a fan of Trese fan for quite some time now and I've always recommended this book to my non-comic book reading friends. Luckily for us fans, Uncle Budj (Trese writer Budjette Tan) ain't a George R.R. Martin in terms of releasing...
By Rocket Kapre on Oct 9, 2012 in:
News, 2012, BMA, By Moon Alone, Hai, Hai Ibardolaza, Honoel Ibardolaza, komikon, Philippine webcomics, webcomics

Great news for fans of webcomics: Honoel “Hai” Ibardolaza’s Komikon award-nominated webcomic “By Moon Alone” is once again updating. The updates on the 1st and 8th of October are the first back-to-back weekly updates tha...